July 12, 2021
  1. The Bachelor's Bekah Martinez's four-day-old son still nameless | Daily Mail Online
  2. The cost of demonizing the police - Washington Times
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In our business, we are starting to see hiring reviving and it is not just the usual suspects -- IT skills, IT services, ecommerce, logistics that we have been talking about for a few months. We are starting to observe that by and large, across industries, market leaders are starting to look for growth. Physical retail may have been a bit behind, but apart from that, if you look at our general staffing business and IT starting business, by and large even our BPO business is starting to see demand come back since September, gradually but steadily. We are also very encouraged by the new labour reforms because we think that will drive a further evolution from informal work to formal work. I will point out three things; a) fewer and more flexible laws that alter the cost benefit considerations for an employer who is not compliant today. We think more employers will choose to hire labour formally rather than being non-compliant and that will bring people into the social security net. b)Greater flexibility in recruiting models have been introduced in the current labour laws including fixed term employment and they have made it much more easy for contractors to function nationwide, which would also allow us to bring more flexibility and allow more people to hire without worries.

The Bachelor's Bekah Martinez's four-day-old son still nameless | Daily Mail Online

Now they are as likely to burn down his precinct house, demand the force be disbanded and harass his family as to shout insults at officers they see as the enemy. In the '60s, most were shocked by the sort of behavior my brother encountered that evening; today politicians, media figures and celebrities cheer on anyone who attacks the police. It's no wonder police departments around the country are finding it almost impossible to recruit new officers while more experienced cops are retiring in droves. It was reported last week that in New York City alone some 272 officers have put in for retirement in the last month and that most of them are among the most experienced in the department. The same thing is happening in other cities and towns across the country. Last month a small town police chief told me over dinner that his biggest problem was recruiting and keeping good officers in today's environment and that was before the current drive to demonize law enforcement. Most cops when my brother wore a badge were good men and women trying their best to do a tough job under sometimes trying circumstances, but even then there were a few as there are in every trade and profession who gave a bad name to law enforcement.

Danny Glover, Amazon fulfillment center, Bessemer, Alabama, Feb. 22, 2021. Credit: BAmazon Union. This is not the first time the Hollywood actor has stood in solidarity with employees of a wealthy, anti-union CEO like Amazon's Jeff Bezos. It's not even his first time doing it in the notoriously labor-unfriendly south. Several years ago, Glover was a steadfast supporter of a campaign to organize a Nissan auto plant in Canton, Mississippi that also had a majority-Black workforce. At that time, Nissan's CEO was Carlos Ghosn, a centimillionaire known for making veiled threats to undermine union drives. Today, Ghosn is a fugitive, running from charges of financial wrongdoing. But under his reign, the company managed to pressure a majority of the Canton workers to vote against unionization. Will the union leading the Bessemer campaign, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, have better luck?

The cost of demonizing the police - Washington Times

You may be struggling to find the right words to say (Picture: Getty) Many people will sadly have known friends or family who have fallen ill due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and will want to wish them better. Thousands of people have ended up in hospital or been left to fight off the virus at home in self-isolation. While sending flowers or chocolates is common practice, it will often be the kind words in a card that mean the most to those suffering with illness. Cute texts and WhatsApp messages may be the norm these days but if you're old school and would like to send a card but are struggling with the right words to say, is here to help. Traditional messages for a 'get well soon' card Kind words can mean a lot to those in need (Picture: Getty) Hope you feel better soon! Be sure to take extra care of yourself! Miss seeing you around here. Get well soon! You're in my thoughts. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. Wishing you more strength with each coming day. Have the speediest of recoveries!

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In the days since, police departments on their own and under prodding from politicians, the courts and the public have done much to weed out those who should be doing something else for a living. Police unions have fought these efforts at every step of the way and as recruitment has gotten tougher many departments have had to lower admission standards. After the riots in the '60s, the Washington, D. C., police department reportedly for a time even decided to overlook felony convictions among those they were recruiting and other departments did the same either formally or informally. Progress in the decades since has been substantial and, while there is still room for substantive reform and a constant review of law enforcement's relationship with those officers are sworn to protect, better training and reforms already in place have made most police forces today better than at any time in our history. Amid today's hostility to law enforcement, many seem to forget that the "thin blue line" between a civilized society and criminal anarchy is indeed thin.

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Taking to Twitter, he reached out to his 377, 400 followers to address the comments he has been receiving and clear up claims around his features. He penned: 'Honestly... I won't say this again, I haven't had any filler or Botox in my face, the only thing I have had done is a tiny bit of lip filler... so can we all stop comparing 16 year old harry to 26 year old harry. It actually makes me laugh... 'And to the saying "I've piled on the pounds" the answer is... yes I have, I went through a terrible eating disorder and I have worked so hard on myself to over come it over the years, and honestly... I think I look better then ever'.

Most people are, like most police, good people who want only to live peaceably with their neighbors, earn a living and raise their families, but there are a few who but for men and women carrying a badge would prey on and brutalize those around them. That line is fraying in cities like New York, where murder and violent crime is escalating and in smaller towns like Fredericksburg, Virginia, where a woman caught in a mini-riot with her small child in a car called 911 for help and was told she was on her own. What those who would abolish the police forces that stand between them and anarchy don't understand is that defunding the police and stripping them of both the respect they deserve and the support they need to do their job means fewer and fewer good men and women will be attracted to law enforcement and the world we share will become a far more dangerous place than it is today. • David A. Keene is an editor at large for The Washington Times. Sign up for Daily Opinion Newsletter

Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Pune are cities which had relatively long lockdowns because of relatively large Covid outbreaks and that is where recovery is slow. But the tier two cities have been able to stem the Covid and therefore have got back to work faster. At Quess, every day I get a report saying what percent of employees are coming to the office city by city. In some of tier two cities like Bhopal we will see 80% of people in the office but in Bangalore or Mumbai, it is still 25-30%. That behaviour will change. It will take time as people get out of their Covid induced paralysis. As for hiring levels, we are finding that the maximum decline is at the top and fresher levels. At the top, I guess it is because people are not planning significant expansion of management capacities right now. By and large, we have seen a 31% decline versus March 2020 and freshers have declined a little bit more than average. Again, it may be because people are not planning for very rapid growth. This puts the onus on freshers to further differentiate themselves in the market, learning new skills.

Homeowners hit with inflated quotes for work under Government's new Green Homes Grant as tradesmen cash in Published: 20:37 EDT, 27 October 2020 | Updated: 05:40 EDT, 28 October 2020 Customers are being charged thousands of pounds more than they were quoted before the initiative launched in September Homeowners are being hit with inflated quotes for work under the Government's new Green Homes Grant as tradesmen try to cash in. The scheme offers homeowners in England up to £5, 000 worth of vouchers (or £10, 000 for low-income households) to cover two-thirds of the cost of work to make their properties more energy efficient. But customers say they are being charged thousands of pounds more than they were quoted before the initiative launched in September. Steven Francis, 43, wants to install an energy-efficient heat pump system in his Cornwall cottage. He found a number of estimates online from the Energy Saving Trust and Which? suggesting a new pump system would cost between £6, 000 and £8, 000 for a typical home.

By Tamanna Inamdar We are finding that the maximum decline is at the top and fresher levels, says Suraj Moraje, ED & Group CEO, In terms of formal employment, are we better off compared to October? We are observing that the Indian labour market in the formal space seems to be at an inflection point. And there is a few things that are driving it. I am happy to give some more facts to back it up. One, Covid is far from being over. At the same time, our society is learning to navigate the broad chasm between absolute paralysis and responsibly getting on with it. Treatments are getting better, there is a vaccine on the horizon and we are starting to see a normalisation of demand to pre-Covid levels. GST collections, e-way bills, petroleum multiple high frequency indicators are showing that we are learning to live with Covid. I personally have been in the office three to four days a week for the last few weeks because I feel if our people are in the field, I should also be at work and thankfully we have managed disease and contagion reasonably well so far.

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