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In today's more entrepreneurial economy, we need to consider workers as hunters rather than settlers—and build new institutions accordingly. In a seminal essay in 2013, AngelList co-founder Babak Nivi called the current era the "Entrepreneurial Age". This was not to say that we're entering a world in which we'll all become entrepreneurs or freelancers. It was to say that firms need to learn to play a new strategic game: one in which it's neither physics nor information that constitute a competitive advantage, but rather entrepreneurship determines the winners and losers in the corporate world. Amazon is the perfect example of how a company should strategize in the Entrepreneurial Age. It's focused on serving its customers at the highest level of quality at scale. It's aiming at winning over the long term, not the next quarter. And in order to do that—being customer-centric and thinking long-term—it's obsessed with inventing new things all the time. " It's always Day One, " as Jeff Bezos says.

Settling in

not settling in new job opportunities to serve

In the past, the workers who had the most to gain were those who embraced one single career for their entire working life—in other words, settlers. In the future, the workers best able to surf the big waves will be more like hunters: those who enjoy being on the move, constantly looking for new opportunities, and ready to do what it takes to come out on top. This means learning new skills, moving to another city, freelancing on the side, and sometimes making ends meet by finding gigs on platforms such as Upwork, Lyft, Uber, and others. As a society, we're still a long way from acknowledging that workers need to be hunters rather than settlers. Those who embrace the new labor market are often deemed outliers, and a lot of energy is spent on trying to get them back on the 'right' path. We want gig economy workers ( hunters) reclassified as employees ( settlers). We worry when we hear (according to a JPMorgan Chase Institute study) that Uber and Lyft drivers are earning less and less from these platforms over time.

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