July 19, 2021
  1. Chick fil a bully loses job opportunities
  2. The Chick-fil-A Bully and His Victim - The New American

And I feel really sorry for him and his family and everything that has happened to him since Wednesday. " Rachel said she had dealt with difficult situations before, but that Smith was the only customer to videotape his poor behavior. "I was glad that he came forward and made a statement because what happened was — when he came to the drive-thru — wasn't so much about Chick-fil-A but about how one human being should treat another and being in the hospitality industry you deal with difficult customers on a daily basis. And he's definitely not the first I've encountered, but the first that chose to video tape the interaction. " She added that it was her training and upbringing that prepared her to calmly deal with Smith, and that it wasn't in her personality to be impolite to obnoxious customers. "I forgive you, " she said to Smith, adding: "I really hope that America will forgive you and treat you with the respect that I chose to treat you with that day. " Follow Jeff on Twitter

Chick fil a bully loses job opportunities

Members of the conservative Christian group Texas Values used "Save Chick-fil-A Day" to advocate for legal discrimination against LGBTQ people. Photo: Screenshot Conservatives are angry that Chick-fil-A announced that it would stop making anti-LGBTQ donations. Yesterday, Chick-fil-A said in a press release that its charitable arm, the Chick-fil-A Foundation, had a new plan for giving money. That plan involved an end to yearly commitments to many small organizations, instead giving larger sums to fewer organizations that will be reviewed regularly. Related: Kanye West's new album includes a song praising Chick-fil-A In their announcement, they said that they would be giving to Covenant House International, Junior Achievement USA, and local food banks. This excludes the Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and the Paul Anderson Youth Home in Atlanta – the three anti-LGBTQ organizations they gave to previously that caused a rash of bad press for the fast food restaurant earlier this year.

As the employee handed Smith his beverage — a cup of water that is free of charge — she refused to compromise Chick-fil-A's commitment to quality customer service. "It's my pleasure to serve you always, " she stated. Smith's wrath did not abate. "Of course I'm glad that I can take a little money from Chick-fil-A and maybe less money to hate groups, " he replied. "I don't know how you can live with yourself and work here. I don't understand it. This is a horrible corporation with horrible values. " When the employee bade Smith to have a "nice day, " he assured her that he would, for he had just done "something purposeful. " He explained, as he drove off, that he was "a nice guy. " Then he added that he was a heterosexual that "just can't stand the hate. " Smith's video went viral. But it was met with largely negative responses. "Hey that's great, " wrote one Facebook poster, "hassle some poor slob in a menial position trying to make ends meet at the drive through window. Way to go Adam, you really 'did something purposeful' there, you jackass. "

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The Chick-fil-A Bully and His Victim - The New American

Folks, ^ an example of how an individual shows that: "Radicals" are making a nonsense of this whole issue. Comments on the video welcome, Karlis -=-=-=- Chick-Fil-A Drive-Through Bully, Hassles Fast Food Employee Read a transcript of the encounter, below: Smith: "You know why I'm getting my free water, right? " Worker: "No. " S: "Because Chick-Fil-A is a hateful corporation. " W: "I disagree. We don't treat any of our customers differently.. " S: "I know, but the corporation gives money to hate groups. Hate groups. Just because people want to kiss another guy. " W: "I'm staying neutral on this subject... my personal beliefs don't belong in the workplace. " S: "Yeah I believe that too, I don't believe corporations should be giving money to hateful groups.. I'll take my water" W: "I'm really uncomfortable that you're videotaping this.. " W: "It's my pleasure to serve you, always. " S: "Oh of course, I'm glad that I can take a little bit of money from Chick-Fil-A, and maybe less money to hate groups. "

This massive success also begs the question of whether or not other slasher favorites may become a commodity in the coming years. Horror icons like Freddy Krueger ( A Nightmare on Elm Street), Jason Voorhees ( Friday the 13th), Pinhead ( Hellraiser), Leatherface ( The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), and Candyman ( Candyman) may be due for their own reboots. Chucky ( Child's Play) has an upcoming television series in development with orignal creator Don Mancini at the helm, while the 1980s anthology film Creepshow is also getting a new series courtesy of Shudder in 2019. Greg Nicotero will serve as the primary creative force behind the latter project. The flood gates already appear to be opening. The only thing standing in the way of some specific slashers getting back into theaters are legal issues and logistics. Jason Voorhees and the entire Friday the 13th Franchise is currently caught up in a legal battle with the original writer, halting all production for future incarnations for the foreseeable feature, and actor Robert Englund has vowed to never play the role of Freddy Krueger again.

Why is Chick-fil-A so busy? - Quora

Rachel also wants to "let him know why I handled" their unpleasant encounter "the way I did and not take legal action, which a lot of people told me I should do. " Rachel was as composed and kind during her interview with Fox as she was while being assailed by Smith. Even though she was bullied, she nevertheless refused to consider legal action against Smith (assuming there was a basis for such action) because she didn't think that there was any "reason to drag him through the mud any more than he has been. " Many observers have been struck by the glaring contrast between Rachel and Smith. The decorum with which Rachel has conducted herself throughout this ordeal is the decorum that customers have come to expect from the employees of Chick-fil-A. And it is conduct that is in keeping with the restaurant's Christian character. Rachel identifies her attitude succinctly: "I'm Christian and God tells us to love thy neighbor. " But Rachel clarified the supposition that Chick-fil-A imposes some sort of litmus test upon its employees: I'd really like to know if he [Smith] could separate the issue [of same-sex marriage] from me and the company.

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