July 20, 2021

I'm just worried in the execution, something will be lost and it'll be silly. ' And I shouldn't worry because it all came down to Bob Odenkirk's acting, " Gilligan said. "I think for me, that's the finest moment. This quiet, indeed wordless moment at the end of the episode where he looks so chewed up and spit out. But he is so determined to survive at all costs and get back to the woman he loves. Then when he swigs from that bottle, it's not the least bit funny. It's exactly what I hoped it would be and more and that's all due to Bob. I really do believe that's the finest single moment of acting I've ever seen Bob do and that's saying a lot. I just don't know how he's gonna top that. " "Breaking Bad" Season 5 continues Monday night at 9 p. m. on AMC. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Sign up for our Email Newsletters here.

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It's not often you get Vince Gilligan to sit down for an extensive interview, so in his conversation with me for my Deadline video series Behind the Lens I didn't want to waste a moment. In addition to an edited version as is customary here, we are also presenting the full uncut talk as the man behind Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul spills all. Well maybe not all, but it was great fun for a fan of those shows, as well as the long-awaited BB movie spinoff El Camino, to get the 411 from the man who started it all with the legendary Breaking Bad, which you will see I tell him is one of the two perfect television series I have ever seen (you will have to watch to find out the other one, but he agreed it was a good choice). After BB finished its six-season run in 2013 it appeared that would be the end of it, but Gilligan and Peter Gould managed to do the seemingly impossible and come up with a prequel series in Better Call Saul that now after five seasons is coming closer to catching up with the first season of BB.

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Vince Gilligan, Creator of Breaking Bad Interview with Adam Spencer | Sydney Writers' Festival 2014 - YouTube

He is maybe the hardest working person I have ever known. He is somebody with just incredible focus and he is always a pleasure but he is so focused on doing the best job he possibly can. One of the things… we found was that he hadn't done as much dramatic acting when he started on Breaking Bad and boy, did he take to it. I feel that he has always been great, but every season and every episode he has gotten deeper and deeper with this character and his work has become so original and surprising and interesting with every moment. And so real. It's been fascinating to see his work. I don't know how to say it but I think that his work has evolved a little bit as we gone. As the character has evolved. I also think that Bob is our secret weapon on the show because he has an extraordinary comic mind that he is also a wonderful dramatic actor. He has scenes, which are just as dramatic as anything we ever did with Walter White on Breaking Bad. The relationship between Jimmy and Kim, played by Rhea Seehorn, has gone from strength to strengtH… Vince: That is so true.

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Vince Gilligan, Creator of Breaking Bad Interview with Adam Spencer | Sydney Writers' Festival 2014 - YouTube

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It would be wonderful to see Michael McKean up there, who deserves it so much. All of our actors — Rhea Seehorn, Jonathan Banks, Giancarlo Esposito, Patrick Fabian, Michael Mando — we have such a wonderful cast. " So far lead actor Odenkirk and supporting player Banks represent the show's only acting nominees, so fans are hoping Emmy voters spread the wealth this year. When we asked Gilligan what advice he would give to his former boss Chris Carter about the upcoming "The X-Files" reboot, Gilligan declared, "He's really one of my mentors in the business. I wouldn't be in TV if it wasn't for Chris Carter and I wouldn't have been able to do 'Breaking Bad' if not for what I learned on ' The X-Files. ' If I was gonna give any [advice] it would be just keep doing what you've been doing, making great TV. " Gilligan then added, "Actually, I'd like to see Eddie Van Blundht back. Yeah, that'd be good advice! " Predict the Emmy nominees now; change them until July 13 Be sure to make your Emmy predictions.

"Better Call Saul" Greg Lewis/AMC/Sony Pictures Television The car wasn't the only inanimate object that took up a significant amount of attention in the process of making the episode. With the catalyst of the entire episode being the bail money that Jimmy's entrusted to bring back to town, the logistics of showing and transporting that cash became an involved process. "We had many, many conversations about that. Our wonderful prop master Mark Hansen, in the earliest meetings, he brought in a great many different duffel bags and we got to pick what we wanted to use. There's a prop company that provides photorealistic fake prop money that he has to rent from. It's a deal just to get that stuff across state lines and all the way up from LA to Albuquerque, " Gilligan said. To make that trudge through the desert more believable, Odenkirk wanted to have the bags filled with enough weight to make it a challenge to move them. But as Gilligan explained, there's not a person alive who'd have been able to lug all that money — fake or otherwise — as far as Jimmy does.

Personal Quote: People want what they want, for as long as they want it, then tastes change and something else works. Trivia: Sony Pictures TV announced in Sept. 2013 that it had concluded a lucrative deal to produce a new series for CBS created by Gilligan, with a guarantee that it will enter the prime-time schedule in fall 2014. Also, production of the show, a police drama called "Battle Creek" will be headed by David Shore who created and produced the major hit drama House (2004). »