July 15, 2021

During the phone interview Find a quiet place with few distractions to take the call. If your phone interview is during the workday, plan to work from home and take the call from there. If you have to be in the office that day, find a quiet place nearby (outside of the office) to do the interview. Friends who work nearby might be able to lend you a conference room — or look to Breather to see if there are available spaces. Make sure you have (good) reception. Reliable phone reception and/or internet is super important — perhaps MOST important. You don't want to have your call drop or not be struggling to make out what your interviewer is saying during the call. Do some due diligence and make sure you have good service in the location you plan to take the call. Photo by Kyle Johnson Get happy. Make sure you have an upbeat tone to your voice, which can be accomplished by simply smiling through the phone during the conversation. Since the interviewer can't see your facial expressions or body language, your voice is your only way to emote.

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John williams interview youtube job interview

She made no effort to stop them. She thought it was adorable. At a certain point, we talked about the fact that this job was fully remote. I have been working remotely for years and I can't work in the office due to a disability. This disability has absolutely no impact on my cognitive abilities. I just need to work from home. That is the only thing I need. I was candid about that. I also told her that I am happily childfree and that I won't have any distractions in the background and no children. I saw that this rubbed her off the wrong way. I know it might have been a mistake on my part, but I really wanted to emphasize the fact that I have a dedicated space in my home and that I don't have children to tend for. As a side note, I know a lot of "stay at home moms" who want to work from home without really working, because they have to take care of their kids. The interaction with the hiring manager was my 5th interview. I still went ahead and had the 6th with two other people. It went very well.

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