July 22, 2021
  1. What are some interview questions for retail

So on the first hour of the first day I lost my job. I found many many jobs I can't apply for simply due to being autistic. And others I have to have wavers to do it. And even then it is easy to lose your job. Like the military. I can go on, but for parents and care takers. You must prepare for beyond the interview phase. And you must prepare for what happens if they run into a ton of problems like I did. Like I'm at the point of just thinking about getting a part time job I'm almost in the corner having a panic attack, and me wanting to end it right there skyrockets. Some things that might help you: Encourage them to start their own company. Like be realistic, but the person in question doing things like art or whatever might be the best option. For myself, I ended up doing things like YouTube videos, 3D printing, and a few other things. I don't make no where near enough to live on. Like maybe $100 a month at best. But it is something. Encourage them to see if they are good at trading in the stock market.

What are some interview questions for retail

This put a really bad taste in my mouth. Finally, I got called in. It was a young man behind a desk with his "protégé" standing next to him. They started by asking me a bunch of questions that were not even relevant to my job history. The questions were geared towards management style and that sort of thing. At this point I had no idea what the company even was so I interjected and started pesturing them for answers. This is where things got super weird. They told me that they had partnerships with huge brands such as Verizon (this was actually a lie - local Verizon retailers would outsource to this company to get cheap labor). Once I got hired, I would start by working in a Verizon store or a Costco (for example), and try to sell product. I would get paid hourly and recieve minimum wage. I immediately told them absolutely not. That was not the business I was in, plus why would I quit my high paying job to sell products at a table in Costco. That's when they told me that I wouldn't be doing that forever, I would only be doing that for a little bit and then I would be able to build up my own team and become a manager.

I'm wanting this upcoming interview to go better than that, so does anyone have any tips or experience with this?

So the estimated amount of unemployed autistic people is all over the place, but I seen numbers commonly in the 90% area depending on the country. Even in first world countries, it's expected around 85% of those of us with a college degree can't hold down a job or get one at all. As someone with 4 degrees, I can say this is a huge problem. Anyways, I wanted to list a few things I experienced in work places. This isn't to scare anyone, but it is to help the care takers of autistic people to better prepare themselves for a possible future of no fault of their own. So one of the first things to note I've dealt with a lot of harassment even before getting a job. I've literally been laughed out of an interview due to how I talk. At least that is what I'm thinking since I couldn't figure out why they were laughing at me. I even wrote down all the questions when I got to my car, and found I answered them all 100% point with this is you need to prepare even within the interview process problems can happen.

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what are some interview questions for retail

And to be honest, there is nothing they can do about it. Like lets say I sued the company, how could I afford it? Even if I could, the company could lie. They could even lie about laughing. Without evidence there is nothing. And then even if you do get in and think a law like ADA might protect you. The court sides with the company 95% of the time. And for autistic people it is far worse for whatever reason. Even other things like fighting for SSDI we have a near 0% chance of getting it without using lawyers which takes a cut of the SSDI or SSI. Sometimes a big cut. Once I worked for a smaller place that once they found out I am disabled. They started cutting my pay every so often. Like every week or 2 they could cut it bit by bit. Well, it turns out legally we can get paid lower than min wage. And it turned out they were doing that because they had a bet. They had me cleaning floors, toilets, animal waste, and a number of other things. Towards the end they only paid me $8 A WEEK, and I had to quit because it costed me more to work there than what I was getting.