July 17, 2021
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"Considering very small countries included the worst outbreak in the world is currently recorded in San Marino with 101 cases in a country of 33, 400. " The average for the 4 US states is 0. 242, which is over 2, 000% more than Mexico. The average for the US is 0. 814 or 7. 000% more than Mexico.

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Introduction by Dee McLachlan The first study demonstrating a relationship between "coronavirus" outbreaks and the presence of 5G networks has emerged from Spain and is by Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre. Bartomeu is a biologist specializing in microbiology and is working at the University of Barcelona. His original source study can be sourced HERE, and is has been translated into English by Claire Edwards ( on SOTN). Original source here: The study, I believe, is hugely significant in that it demonstrates clearly the most likely probability that the COVID-19 hypoxic injuries and hospital admissions are directly related to electromagnetic radiation exposure by 5G Networks. Governments across the world can argue 'till the cows come home that 5G is safe and that there is no correlation to the coronavirus outbreaks — but the revelation of this data seems irrefutable. Some of the more startling discoveries are: The nine countries with the most infections worldwide all receive 5G radiation from satellites.

Comparing four nearby countries of the same latitude: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece. The two countries with 5G (Spain and Italy) have 220% more infections than Portugal and Greece. The comparison between the small State of San Marino (Italy) and Croatia (just across the Adriatic Sea) is astonishing. San Marino was the first European state to get 5G technology, and has the highest rate of infection. San Marino is 2. 59 times more than Italy and 27 times more than Croatia — a country that does not have 5G. The five hot cities in Italy align with the 5G rollouts, as does Spain. Even the hot spots in Barcelona and Madrid align with 5G coverage. Another very interesting comparison is between Mexico and the US. Rates in the 5G-US are 2. 7 per 1000 inhabitants, whereas Mexico (no 5G) is 0. 04/1000. Another astonishing observation is Africa — a continent almost devoid of infections, except for South Africa. Well Bartomeu claims that only South Africa has 5G. As a further observation from me, most of the Australian cases were from those off the 5G-cruise ships and coming off international flights.

Were they flying close to 5G satellites? Bartomeu's observations about 5G-China and surrounding countries is yet another red flag. The countries surrounding China had approximately 10X fewer cases. Myanma has 0. 0007/1000 inhabitants infection rate. It is clear from this biologist's research that 5G plays a part in this plandemic. One has to assume the government researchers know of the impacts on the human body. It would be easy and inexpensive to conduct experiments to test the health impact on humans and other life forms. They must have decided the risk of 5G frequencies worth taking. The only discussion remaining is: do the benefits of 5G outweigh the deaths and health effects of EMF radiation on humans and all life on the planet? I now post EXTRACTS of Ms Edwards' translation from Radiation Dangers of Bartomeu's study: by Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre …the results of this study since it is based on the comparative rather than the absolute method of infection. Therefore, in order to avoid statistical error, we will compare the density value of confirmed cases of coronavirus (expressed in number of cases per 1000 inhabitants) instead of absolute values… [Bartomeu made 15 comparisons]: Chart of the 9 Countries With The Most Infections Worldwide (The US, Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, France, Iran, China, South Korea, and Japan all receive 5G radiation from satellites. )

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Gloria Mulvihill, a freelance editor and writer for, was diagnosed with clinical depression seven years ago. Just recently, she started looking for more consistent work within her field. "When I decided to make job searching my full-time job, I felt a rush of positivity and excitement, " Mulvihill says. "I applied for countless positions online, pinging my CV over if I felt there was even the slightest chance of me getting an interview. " Because depression can come and go in waves for some people, it's possible you'll convince yourself you're past this most recent bout of symptoms in light of the excitement you feel. 2. But Know That the Initial Excitement Can Fade Unfortunately, job searches can be grueling—even without the added challenge of dealing with depression. And those initial feelings of excitement may fade; they did for Mulvihill. "I would have days where I couldn't get out of bed because in my head all I could think about was how hopeless the whole situation was and how undesirable I was in all aspects of my life.